Saving Money Now:
Inner peace is required.

inner peace

In saving money now, we are prepared mentally and physically. We’ve been discussing about financial literacy to nurture our mind. That is mentally prepared. We also reviewed our action plan and the right habit towards abundance and that is being prepared physically.

inner peace balls

Do we need to consider our spiritual aspect? I do believe that we have our own supreme being. This will guide us to our inner peace. Calm the inside and it will reflect on actions.

Let me share with you a story of a young boy who lived in a remote village. They have been praying for water. One day, the villager is praying for rain, only one boy brought an umbrella. We call that confidence.

When you threw a baby in the air, the baby smiles and laughs because he knew that you will catch him. That is trust. Everyone goes to bed at night and we are not sure that we will get up tomorrow but we have many plans. That is hope.

Have confidence, trust in yourself and never lose hope. We can start saving money now. Make your life simple. Analyze what is the goal and the necessary actions required. Implement the action to attain the dream.

Too much analysis may lead to paralysis. Just focus on the necessary ideas required. Pin-point the exact actions needed and implement it with speed and precision.

be strong

In times of doubt and challenges, never whine and complain about how bad it is. These will only make us feel bad. The feeling will get heavy and it will be tough to move forward. Focus on the solution because in every trial has an equal answer.

Our goal is the inner peace. If we have it, the feeling is light and it is easier to move ahead. How to attain it? Give joy and love. It may be simple as love for your wonderful breakfast. Get into the feeling of happiness.

When you are exhilarated, life seems to be easy. Don’t step on the shoe on other people for the sake of your own good. This action will equate to a bad feeling. Remember, bad feeling will make us slow. Make our life easy by feeling good about life. Have a moment to find inner peace. Money is only an idea and be creative in accumulating it. If he can be rich thus I can also be richer than him. That is an attitude of a leader.

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